Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go McKayde!!

  The kids are doing awsome in soccer, they are so fun to watch, they better be since that is all we do!

Go Keana!

Sweet Stevie.  We will try to keep in her dance class instead of on the soccer field, maybe.

A Bagley Chrstimas

This is truely a Bagley Family Christmas!! 
Thanks for the Pics Jori
Thats more like it

The holidays were wonderful! We are so thankful for our sweet little family. 

Alison "Ali" Jo Bagley

Here is Ali on her blessing day with her proud daddy
Ali was born 11/13/08 at 11:15pm
6lb 7oz & 18in
She is a sweet baby, she is calm and very alert. It has been so fun watching her smile and finding her voice. She doesn't cry alot, she just "complains". Thats OK, one smile makes up for it. Her big sisters and her big brother have been so sweet with her, they are a big help and she loves them alot. She is even keeping all the hair on the back of her head, she doesn't get laid down enough to lose it.  We are so thankful to add Ali to our family!